
Showing posts from August, 2023

Step 01 - Part 1 I and Part 2 ntro to Limits Microservice And Spring Cloud Config Server

 Step 01 - Part 1 Intro to Limits Microservice And Spring Cloud Config Server In given Above example we have diffrent Envirnmnet and there respecitve environments Dev Has 1 Environment QA Has 2 Environment STAGE has 1 Environment PROD has 4 Environments So by given above exmaple we understand like we have Different services Like CurrencyCalculationService, CurrencyExchangeService, LimitService and  all each of these has diffrent number of environments for each type of Environment(DEV,QA,STAGE,PROD) So this type of congifuration managing the individually for each application and each environment is very very difficult, thats where centralized configuration comes into the Picture Spring Cloud Config Server 1. Spring Cloud Config server says you can put all the configuration for your application into GIT Repository 2. and It will take care of managing the configuration and providing it to the specific Microservice Example: if Limit service says i would want the configuration for...

MicroService Advantages

Advantages: faster performance  easier scalability easier code reuse Disadvantages: including more complex development  complex   deployment  higher implementation costs Advantages of Microservices Microservices are self-contained, independent deployment module. The cost of scaling is comparatively less than the monolithic architecture. Microservices are independently manageable services. It can enable more and more services as the need arises. It minimizes the impact on existing service. It is possible to change or upgrade each service individually rather than upgrading in the entire application. Microservices allows us to develop an application which is organic (an application which latterly upgrades by adding more functions or modules) in nature. It enables event streaming technology to enable easy integration in comparison to heavyweight interposes communication. Microservices follows the single responsibility principle. The demanding service can be deployed on m...

Spring Cloud

Spring cloud is not a single project  there are wide variety of project under umbrela of spring cloud  Most Important project is   Spring Cloud Netflix:  Netflix one of the organization which stated working on microservice architechture in very early stage of microservice, there are wide range of componenets that Netflix has open sourced (means freely available) under the project Spring cloud Netflix. there are some importatnt Netflix OSS components are (Eureka, Hystrix, Zuul, Archalus, etc) Spring Cloud Config : also one of the majorly use Spring Cloud project which is to provide a centralized configuration management. Spring Cloud Bus:  This enables the microservices and the infrastructure component thinks like config server thinks like API Gateway to talk to each other Solution of Our Previous Turorial Challanges are  Congifuratoin Managment  Spring Cloud Config Server : provides and approach where you can store all the configuration, for all the d...

Microservice with Java Spring Cloud

 Definations of Microservice: By Sam NewMan: - Small autonomous services that work together By James :- Style is an approach to developing a single application as a suit of small services, each running in its own process and commuinicating with lightweight mechanism, often an HTTP resourece API , These services are build around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery, there is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be ritten in different programming languagees and use different data storage technologies  MICROSERVICES REST and Small well chosen deployable units and Cloud Enable CHALANGEST WITH MICROSERVICE 1.  Bounded Context How to decided boundris of microservices id difficul 2.  Configuration Management Suppose we have 5 or 50 microservices, thse microservices have multiple instances in each environment and there are multiple environments Let say we have 10 microservices, with 5 env...