MicroService Advantages


  1. faster performance 
  2. easier scalability
  3. easier code reuse


  1. including more complex development 
  2. complex deployment 
  3. higher implementation costs

Advantages of Microservices

  • Microservices are self-contained, independent deployment module.
  • The cost of scaling is comparatively less than the monolithic architecture.
  • Microservices are independently manageable services. It can enable more and more services as the need arises. It minimizes the impact on existing service.
  • It is possible to change or upgrade each service individually rather than upgrading in the entire application.
  • Microservices allows us to develop an application which is organic (an application which latterly upgrades by adding more functions or modules) in nature.
  • It enables event streaming technology to enable easy integration in comparison to heavyweight interposes communication.
  • Microservices follows the single responsibility principle.
  • The demanding service can be deployed on multiple servers to enhance performance.
  • Less dependency and easy to test.
  • Dynamic scaling.
  • Faster release cycle.

Disadvantages of Microservices

  • Microservices has all the associated complexities of the distributed system.
  • There is a higher chance of failure during communication between different services.
  • Difficult to manage a large number of services.
  • The developer needs to solve the problem, such as network latency and load balancing.
  • Complex testing over a distributed environment.

  1. Adoption new technology and Process
  2. Dynamic Scaling
  3. Faster Release Cyle


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