
Showing posts from October, 2023

Why Need of Naming Server

 Suppose if we are using Ribbon than it needs a configured if any new server comes up  suppose currently only 2 server was there 8001 and 8000  as given below application .properties file only configured with two server now for any new server like 8002 comes up as we didnt configured into the application properties file currency-exchange-service.ribbon.listOfServers = http://localhost:8000,http://localhost:8001 So for dynamicaly increase and decreasing we need naming server( EurekaNamingServer ) All the instances of All Microservices would register with naming server, that is called service Registration whenever service want to talk to another service like CurrencyCalculationService wants to talk to the CurrencyExchangeService, what would do, it would talk to the NameServer, and it would ask the NameServer what are the instances of the currencyExchangeService that are currently running? This is called S ervice Discovery Service Registration: All Microservice Register with...