How to Congifure Dynamic port in spring boot Microservice

 STEP 1; POJO Class

public class ExchangeValue {

private Long id;

private String from;

private String to;

private BigDecimal conversionMultiple;

private int port;

public ExchangeValue() {


public ExchangeValue(Long id, String from, String to, BigDecimal conversionMultiple) {

super(); = id;

this.from = from; = to;

this.conversionMultiple = conversionMultiple;


public Long getId() {

return id;


public String getFrom() {

return from;


public String getTo() {

return to;


public BigDecimal getConversionMultiple() {

return conversionMultiple;


public int getPort() {

return port;


        public void setPort(int port) {

this.port = port;



STEP 2; Controller Class


public class CurrencyExchangeController {


private Environment environment;


public ExchangeValue retrieveExchangeValue(@PathVariable String from, @PathVariable String to) {

ExchangeValue exchangeValue = new ExchangeValue(1L, from, to, BigDecimal.valueOf(81));


return exchangeValue;



STEP 3: Main Class


public class CurrencyExchangeServiceApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);



STEP 4: Application properties file


This is the local port information but if we provide port number while

running as VM argument than it will be overrise like given below


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